Attract Bisexual Threesome Sex | Subliminal for MFM/FMF/MMM Sex | Satisfy both Boys & Girls | Unisex
Two is better than One! Have you ever had a kink for f*cking and getting f*cked? Do you like both b00bies and d*cks? Did you ever dream of making out with two people at once? This subliminal is for you! This subliminal audio will make you attractive to both genders and will attract threesome opportunities. You will be able to satisfy two people at a time.
You can have -
- Male x Male x Male
- Female x Male x Female
- Male x Female x Male
Attract Bisexual Threesome Sex | Subliminal for MFM/FMF/MMM Sex | Satisfy both Boys & Girls | Unisex
HOW TO USE MY SUBLIMINAL AUDIOS: - Subliminal Audio is powerful Law of Attraction technique that is very effective for physical changes manifestations. - Listen to this audio for 10 min ONLY per sitting. You can have multiple sittings with a half-an-hour gap in a day. - Try not to listen to more than 5 subliminal audios at once. - Remember, subs work as a strong Law of Attraction technique ONLY if you believe in them wholeheartedly. - My subs do not contain any negative words or unnecessary affirmations. They are entirely safe. - Drink a few gulps of water during subliminal audio therapy, imagining you are taking a magic tonic to boost the physical changes. - You may listen to this audio in the loop for hours during sleep. But, Do Not engage in any stressful work while using these subs. - Be VERY VERY relaxed and optimistic all the time. - You will experience results in a few days to a few weeks depending upon your level of belief.
All the Best my Love!
Credit: Music:
Rain Sound: Mixkit
Thumbnail Imagery from Google.
A visual subliminal with threesome cues.